
From The Gimkit Wiki


Tab Dropdown? Setting Name Default Setting Description (In-Game) Setting Description
Channels No Activate when receiving on Empty Activate when the device receives a signal from the selected channel
Channels No Deactivate when receiving on Empty Deactivate when the device receives a signal from the selected channel
Featured Yes Waypoint Target Location Of Device What is the waypoint tracking?
Featured No Waypoint Name Empty The display name of the waypoint shown in-game
Featured Yes Deactivate When Player Within Range No Automatically deactivate the waypoint when a player is within range to it
Featured Yes Active On Game Start Yes Is the waypoint active & visible when the game starts?
Featured No Waypoint Color #ffffff Change the color of the waypoint's UI
All Options Yes Activate Scope global Activation/deactivation of the waypoint applies to who?


The Waypoint has 2 input actions and no output events.

Input Actions:

  • Activate waypoint
  • Deactivate waypoint