Vending Machine
From The Gimkit Wiki
The Vending Machine is a device in Gimkit Creative. It falls under the Interaction Devices and Inventory Devices categories within the Devices section. Its appearance is a big rectangle, with two supports on the bottom. It has a floating item in the middle of the vending machine, along with rays spewing out of it on the screen. There is a semi-transparent black rectangle below the floating item, with another item and a number. This device can have collision, and it can also have no collision along with no appearance in-game.
There are in total 10 tabs for the Vending Machine:
- Featured
- Grant Item
- Transmit On Channel
- Appearance
- Availability
- Adaptive Cost
- Stock
- Funding
- Channels
- All Options
Here is every single setting.
Tab | Type | Setting Name | Default | Setting Description (in-game) | Setting Description |
Featured | Dropdown | Required Item | Empty | The item required for a player to purchase from the vending machine | The dropdown gives you a list of every single available item within the Gimkit Creative Editor. This is the item that the player uses to purchase from the vending machine. |
Featured | Number Field | Required Item Amount | 1 | How much of the required item a player must have to purchase from the vending machine | This is the amount of the Required Item that needs to be spent on the vending machine before you can purchase from the vending machine. |
Featured | Dropdown | Purchase Action | Grant Item | When a player purchases from the vending machine, does the device grant an item or transmit on a channel? | This setting gives you two options: "Grant Item" and "Transmit On Channel". If the setting chosen is "Grant Item", the vending machine will give you an item automatically upon purchase. If the setting chosen is "Transmit On Channel", the vending machine will relay a signal to a channel upon purchase. Additionally, all settings within the Grant Item tab will be removed and the Vending Machine will no longer display an item for purchase. This setting also shows up in the Featured tab and the Transmit On Channel tab. |
Grant Item | Dropdown | Granted Item | Empty | When a player purchases from the vending machine, what item is granted to them? | This setting determines what item is given to you upon purchase. If no option is selected for this setting, no item will be granted. This option only shows up if the Purchase Action is set to "Grant Item". |
Grant Item | Number Field | Granted Item Amount | 1 | How much of the granted item is given to the player | This setting determines the amount of the Granted Item that will be given to you upon purchase. The minimum value for this is 1 and the maximum is 999,999,999,999,999, or just shy of 1 quadrillion. This option only shows up if the Purchase Action is set to "Grant Item". |
Transmit On Channel | Text Field | When item purchased, transmit on | Empty | When a player purchases the item from the vending machine, the device sends signal on the selected channel | This text field is for channels. When the vending machine makes a successful transaction, it will relay a signal on this channel. |
Appearance | Dropdown | Visible In-Game | Yes | Is the body of the Vending Machine present in-game? | This determines whether the vending machine will be visible. Upon setting the setting to "Yes", it will give the vending machine an appearance and a collidable hitbox. When setting the setting to "No", the setting will make the Vending Machine have no appearance in-game and non-collidable. |
Appearance | Text Field | Item Image | Empty | Supply an image shown for the item in the vending machine. Custom images are not allowed. Refer to the Gimkit Creative documentation for usage of icon images. | This will determine the primary image that is displayed on the device. The only allowed types of images that are allowed on the screen is any type of item and a few specific types of icons found here. This option only shows up if the Purchase Action is set to "Transmit On Channel" and Visible In-Game is set to "Yes". |
Appearance | Text Field | Item Name | Empty | The name of the item being purchased from the vending machine. By default, the name of the Granted Item is used. | This determines the header of the user interface of the Vending Machine in-game. The character limit for this textbox is 64. If no text is specified, then the Vending Machine will use the name of the item. If an item is not selected or the setting Purchase Action is set to "Transmit on Channel", the Vending Machine's header on the user interface will state, "Item" |
Appearance | Text Field | Item Description | Empty | An optional description of the item being purchased from the vending machine. | This determines the description of the user interface of the Vending Machine in-game. The character limit for this textbox is 128. If no text is specified, there will be no text for the description. |
Appearance | Dropdown | Interaction Duration | 1 Second | How long does a player have to interact with the vending machine to make the purchase? | This determines the interaction duration. The player will have to press and hold their mouse button on top of the interface or press and hold Enter for the allotted duration. There are four durations:
Apperance | Dropdown | Match Item Rarity | No | Match the colors of the vending machine to the granted item's rarity. | This uses the item's rarity and uses a specific color palette for the background of the Vending Machine depending on the rarity of the item.
(Put color palettes here.) |
Appearance | Color Picker | Exterior Color | #D44224 | The color of the vending machine background exterior | This option changes the color on the edges of the Vending Machine to the picked color. This option only shows up if Match Item Rarity is set to "No" |
Appearance | Color Picker | Interior Color | #F7D253 | The color of the vending machine background interior | This option changes the color in the of the Vending Machine to the picked color. |
Appearance | Color Picker | Rays Color | #F7D253 | The color of the rays rotating on the vending machine | This option changes the color of the rotating rays of the Vending Machine to the picked color. |
Appearance | Dropdown | Sound Enabled | Yes | Play a sound effect when the item is purchased | If set to "Yes", it will play a sound effect upon purchase. If set to "No", no sound effect will be played. |
Appearance | Dropdown | Cast Shadow | Yes | Does the vending machine cast a shadow? | Determines whether a shadow will be drawn. |
Availability | Dropdown | Deactivate On Purchase | No | If enabled, the vending machine will deactivate after the item is purchased. | After purchasing from the Vending Machine, if this setting is set to "Yes", the Vending Machine will deactivate itself. |
Availability | Dropdown | Active On Game Start | Yes | Is this vending machine available to make purchases from when the game starts? | If set to "No", the Vending Machine will not be active upon game start. Otherwise, the device is active. |
Availability | Dropdown | Active Scope | player | When activated/deactivated, who does it apply to? | Sets the Scope of activation and deactivation of the vending Machine. (Explanation of what this does here) |
Availability | Text Field | Activate when receiving on | Empty | Activate the vending machine when the device receives a signal from the selected channel | This text field is for channels. When a signal from this channel is received, the vending machine will activate. This option also shows up in Channels. |
Availability | Text Field | Deactivate when receiving on | Empty | Deactivate the vending machine when the device receives a signal from the selected channel | This text field is for channels. When a signal from this channel is received, the vending machine will deactivate. This option also shows up in Channels. |
Availability | Dropdown | Team Allowed to Purchased | Any Team | Which team is allowed to purchase from the vending machine? | This determines what team can purchase from the vending machine. A team that isn't the target team will see the Vending Machine as active, but is unable to purchase from it. |
Adaptive Cost | Dropdown | Use Adaptive Cost | No | If enabled, the cost of the item will increase based on the number of players in-game | This setting determines whether Adaptive Cost will be used for the vending machine. Adaptive Cost is a feature that increases the price of an item based on how many players are in the game when it starts. |
Adaptive Cost | Number Field | Adaptive Cost Increase Per Player | 0 | How much the cost of the item increases per additional palyer | This determines how much the cost of the item will increase per player. This option only shows up when the setting Use Adaptive Cost is set to "Yes" |
Stock | Dropdown | Use Limited Stock | No | If enabled, the vending machine will be out of stock after a certain amount of purchases | This setting determines whether Limited will be used for the vending machine. It determines how much of the item can be bought before the Vending Machine can't be purchased from. |
Stock | Number Field | Limited Stock Amount | 10 | The maximum amount of purchases that can be made from the vending machine before it goes out of stock | This setting determines how many times you can purchase from the vending machine before it disables itself. |
Stock | Dropdown | Limited Stock Scope | global | The current stock of the vending machine is applied to who? | This determines the Scope how stock will update for each player/team.
Funding | Dropdown | Allow Funding | No | If enabled, players can fund the vending machine to decrease the cost of the item | When enabled, this setting allows for Funding. Funding allows for players to fund the vending machine, thereby decreasing the price of the item until it can be bought. |
Funding | Dropdown | Funding Scope | global | For funding, the current price of the item is applied to who? | This determines the Scope how funding will update for each player/team.
Channels | Text Field | Attempt to purchase when receiving on | Empty | Attempt to purchase an item from the vending machine when the device receives a signal from the selected channel | This text field is for channels. The vending machine will relay a signal onto this channel if an attempt at a purchase was made. |
Channels | Text Field | When attempted purchase failed, transmit on | Empty | When a player attempted to purchases an item from the vending machine, but failed, the device sends a signal on the selected channel | This text field is for channels. The vending machine will relay a signal onto this channel if an attempt at a purchase, but it failed. |