Tag: Domination
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Tag: Domination is the second 2D game mode added to Gimkit. In Tag: Domination, players on opposing teams - Echo and Vortex - take turns to tag the opposing team to earn points. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins.
How to Play
Each round, players have 45 seconds to either tag players on the other team or to run away. At the start of the game, you receive 480 Energy, a substance which you use to move. Once you run out of Energy, you need to answer questions to keep moving.
You can buy power-ups with varying amounts of Energy. These power-ups are used for holding more energy, runing faster, losing less energy, or gaining/losing more energy when answering correctly/incorrectly.
When a player spawns in, they are in a "safe zone" in which the other team cannot enter. Depending on the host's settings, after a period of time, they will be spawned out into a random area. This was added after the launch due to complaints that players were camping in the safe zone. You can stay in this "safe zone" for up to 120s (two minutes).
- On the first day of Tag: Domination's launch, the game was quite different to how the Gimkit community know it today. These include:
- Each question used to give way less energy upon a correct answer.
- The power-ups, teleportals and area unlocks used to cost cash instead of energy - It was removed for it being too confusing and hard to tell how much you had.
- It used to be an infection style tag gamemode, where if a player was tagged they would switch teams.
- There were less hiding spots.
- A player would lose all their earnings when they were tagged.
- The upgrade stations were more spread out.
- If you were the host, you could teleport to any player, allowing for you to enter the safe zone, and camp the players there. This was a strategy for gaining your weekly amount of XP in a short amount of time.
- Prior to 2/15/2023, there was a penalty of losing your energy if you got a question wrong
- In the upper right-hand corner, near Gimflix and the Television, there was a wall block in the middle of the tiles.
- Tag: Domination has the third most Gims on its banner out of every 2D Gamemode, with 10 Gims.