The player is given a rare Snowball Launcher in Snowbrawl or spawning as a Cursed in Snowy Survival which has 16 snowballs in one magazine. The Snowball Launcher can also be grown in [Snowy Survival]] using fish, with the Snowball Launcher’s rarity varying on the recipe planted.
The Snowball Launcher is known as snowball_launcher in the files.
The Snowball Launcher used to be a gun-like launcher but was later changed to a snowcone-like shape to avoid a violent image.
When you knock out someone with the Snowball launcher it says you "froze them with a Snowball Launcher", "snowball launched them" or 'knocked out the with a Snowball Launcher" someone in the activity feed. (Example: Player froze Sentry with a Snowball Launcher)
Sound Effects
The Snowball Launcher
The spritesheet for the Snowball Launcher.
The Snowball Launcher before its redesign.
The Snowball Item - Ammo for the Snowball Launcher.