
From The Gimkit Wiki


Tab Dropdown? Setting Name Default Setting Description (In-Game) Setting Description
Difficulty Yes Aim Accuracy Medium Customize how accurate the sentry is when aiming at players
Difficulty Yes Fire Rate Medium How quickly does the sentry fire projectiles?
Difficulty Yes Respawn Enabled Yes Does the sentry respawn after getting knocked out?
Difficulty No Respawn Duration (Seconds) 10 When knocked out, how many seconds does the sentry take to respawn?
Health No Sentry Health 100 How much health does the sentry have?
Health No Sentry Shield 0 How much shield does the sentry have?
Health Yes Use Adaptive Health No If enabled, the sentry will increase its health and shield based on the number of players in the game.
Knockout Yes Item Drop No Does this sentry drop an item when knocked out?
Knockout No When sentry knocked out, transmit on Empty When the sentry is knocked out, the device sends a signal on the selected channel
Channels No Activate sentry when receiving on Empty Activate the sentry when the device receives a signal from the selected channel
Channels No Deactivate sentry when receiving on Empty Deactivate the sentry when the device receives a signal from the selected channel
Featured Yes Gadget Zapper (Common) The gadget the sentry will use to fire at players
Featured Yes Sentry Appearance Sentry Robot Change the appearance of the sentry
Featured Yes Sentry Team Team Sentry Set the team the Sentry belongs to. The Sentry will not attack other players/sentries on the same team.
Featured No Sentry Name Empty Set a custom name for this sentry, shown when a player causes it to get knocked out
All Options Yes Active on Game Start Yes Is the sentry spawned in when the game starts?