
From The Gimkit Wiki
Gimkit > Gimkit Creative > Devices > Questioner

This is a Questioner.


Tab Dropdown? Setting Name Default Setting Description (In-Game) Setting Description
Channels No When question answered correctly, transmit on Empty When a player answers a question correctly, the device sends a signal on the selected channel
Channels No When question answered incorrectly, transmit on Empty When a player answers a question incorrectly, the device sends a signal on the selected channel
Channels No Open answering screen when receiving on Empty Open the question answering screen when the device receives a signal from the selected channel
Channels No Close answering screen when receiving on Empty Close the question answering screen when the device receives a signal from the selected channel
Channels No Activate when receiving on Empty Activate when the device receives a signal from the selected channel
Channels No Deactivate when receiving on Empty Deactivate when the device receives a signal from the selected channel
Channels No When answering screen opened, transmit on Empty When the question answering screen is opened, the device sends a signal on the selected channel
Channels No When answering screen closed, transmit on Empty When the question answering screen is closed, the device sends a signal on the selected channel
Interface Yes Closable by player Yes Once the answering screen is opened, can it be closed by the player?
Interface No Correct Answer Message Empty The message shown to the player when they answer correctly
Interface No Incorrect Answer Message Empty The message shown to the player when they answer incorrectly
Interface Yes Message Scope global When the correct/incorrect message is updated from within Blocks, who does it apply to?
Featured No Kit Link Empty Paste in the link of the kit you want players to answer questions from
All Options Yes Sound Default Sounds played when a player answers a question correctly or incorrectly