Quantum Portal

From The Gimkit Wiki
Gimkit > Items > Gadgets > Quantum Portal

The Quantum Portal is a gadget found in One Way Out and Gimkit Creative.

Quantum Portal is a gadget in One Way Out. It fires a portal projectile that is slow but has long range and deals high damage and has a hefty reload. Its base damage is 184 with a reload time of 2 seconds. The cost is $10.


  • The Quantum Portal was first seen in the teaser image for One Way Out.
  • The projectile that the Quantum Portal fires is a black rift with specks of color that is slow but deals high damage, as seen in the Gallery below.
  • When you knock out someone with the Quantum Portal it says you "blasted them to another dimension" or 'knocked out them with a Quantum Portal" someone in the activity feed. (Example: Player blasted Sentry to another dimension)

Sound Effects
