
From The Gimkit Wiki


Props are decorative objects that can be placed down in the Gimkit Creative Editor. These props can vary in size, shape, and color. When adding objects to a Gimkit Creative map, Props has its own tab. When clicking on a prop, you are brought to a settings menu that can be different depending on the prop and its properties. Some props don't have collision boxes, while other props do. In total, there are 579 props. Props can be placed in both Top-Down and Platformer, with no props being exclusive to either.


When clicking on a prop, you see five tabs:

  • Featured
  • Appearance
  • Availability
  • Damage
  • All Options

Here are all the adjustable settings for props.

Tab Type Setting Name Default Setting Description (in-game) Setting Description
Featured Dropdown Shadows Enabled Yes Does this prop cast a shadow? Enabling this option makes a shadow below the prop. This shadow darkens the area around it and is always elliptical, no matter the shape of the prop. This option is exclusive to Top-Down maps. If the prop isn't collidable by default, it doesn't have this option.
Featured Dropdown Shadows Placement Floor Are shadows cast to the floor or beneath the prop? If this option is set to "Floor", it casts the shadow down to the floor. If this option is set to "Beneath Prop", it casts the shadow directly beneath the prop. This allows for shadows to be on top of other props. This option is exclusive to Top-Down maps. If the prop isn't collidable by default, it doesn't have this option.
Featured Dropdown Collision Enabled Yes Does this prop have collision? Enabling this option gives the prop collision with projectiles and players. Disabling this option allows for players and projectiles to pass directly through the prop. If the prop isn't collidable by default, it doesn't have this option.
Appearance Color Picker Tint #FFFFFF Adjust the color tint of the prop. Adjusts the tint of the prop. This doesn't set the prop to a solid color, but it does change the tint of the colors.
Appearance Dropdown Flip No Flip the prop to face the other direction If enabled, the prop will be flipped horizontally.
Appearance Number Field Alpha 1.00 Adjust the transparency of the prop. 0 is invisible, 1 is fully visible. Sets the transparency of the prop. It goes to the nearest hundredth, and the value of the setting can be anything above 0.15. Anything above 1.00 doesn't change the appearance of the prop. The visibility of the prop goes down as the value goes down.
Availability Dropdown Visible on Game Start Yes Is this prop visible when the game starts? Disabling this option makes the prop non-visible at the start of the game. This additionally removes any collision the prop had.
Availability Dropdown Visibility Scope global When the prop is shown/hidden, who is it applied to? This has 3 options: "global", "player", and "team". This sets the scope of what updates to which players. If set to "global", any visibility update that the prop receives will apply to everyone within the game. If set to "player", any visibility update that the prop receives will apply to only the player that triggered it. If set to "team", any visibility update that the prop receives will apply to the player's team only.
Availability Text Field Show prop when receiving on Empty Show prop when the device receives a signal from the selected channel This text field is for channels. When entering a channel into this text field, whenever that channel is triggered, the prop will appear. If the prop is already visible, it will do nothing.
Availability Text Field Hide prop when receiving on Empty Hide prop when the device receives a signal from the selected channel This text field is for channels. When entering a channel into this text field, whenever that channel is triggered, the prop will disappear. If the prop is already hidden, it will do nothing.
Damage Dropdown Prop Damage Enabled No If enabled, the prop can be damaged by player gadgets When enabled, the prop can now receive damage from player gadgets. This option only appears if the Visibility Scope is set to "global" and if the prop is collidable by default.
Damage Number Field Prop Health 100 How much health does the prop have? This value determines the prop's base health. This health can be lowered by player gadgets. If the health of the prop reaches 0, the prop gets destroyed and is no longer collidable. This option is only available if the Prop Damage Enabled setting is set to "Yes".
Damage Text Field When prop destroyed, transmit on Empty When the prop is destroyed, the device sends a signal on the selected channel This text field is for channels. The channel in this text field will be relayed if the prop is destroyed by losing all of its health. This option is only available if the Prop Damage Enabled setting is set to "Yes".
Damage Dropdown Use Adaptive Health No If enabled, the prop will increase in health with each player in-game. When enabled, this prop will gain a certain amount of health per player in the game. This amount is determined by the setting Adaptive Health Per Player. This option is only available if the Prop Damaged Enabled setting is set to "Yes"
Damage Number Field Adaptive Health Per Player 25 Amount of health to give per additional player. This is the amount of health that will be given to the prop per player. This value is determined at the start of the game, and if new players join late, it will not be accounted for. This option is only available if the Use Adaptive Health setting is set to "Yes"


Props have 3 output conditions and 2 input conditions.

Output Conditions:

  • Prop made visible
  • Prop made hidden
  • Prop destroyed

Input Conditions:

  • Show prop
  • Hide prop


  • There is an upper limit to the Alpha setting, but it is monstrously high, at 999,999,999,999,999,808,320,122,944,447,561,435,261,642,285,773,626,497,459,626,551,291,122,426,929,753,917,594,945,094,577,191,765,636,043,596,131,954,810,847,591,297,435,979,373,745,559,238,236,207,735,624,109,462,287,206,621,743,985,512,082,870,001,819,114,091,247,931,547,625,304,621,056.00, also known as one duoseptuagintillion or 9.99 * 10218. If this number is put into the text box, the arrow that would normally increment the number by 0.01 wouldn't be disabled, but wouldn't increase the number either. This is different from the Barrier Alpha Setting as it has an upper limit, despite doing something very similar.
  • If a prop is activated/deactivated after a player or a Sentry fires a gadget, the projectile collides with objects and props at the state they were at when the projectile was fired.
  • When a prop is destroyed, it cannot be reactivated by any means.