Old Tycoon (Homepage)

From The Gimkit Wiki

"Homepage" Tycoon is a modified version of Tycoon that was displayed on the main page of Gimkit. The features it had were very limited compared to regular Tycoon, due to it being an early version

Money Per Question determines the amount of money is added to the "base earning price". It does not change depending on the amount of correct answers in a row.

Level Amount Price
1 $1 Free/Default
2 $10 $10
3 $50 $100
4 $100 $1,000
5 $500 $10,000
6 $2,000 $75,000
7 $5,000 $300,000
8 $10,000 $1,000,000
9 $250,000 $50,000,000
10 $1,000,000 $500,000,000

Streak Bonus gives you more money if you have answered at least 2 or more questions correctly in a row.

Level Amount Price
1 $1 Free/Default
2 $20 $10
3 $100 $100
4 $200 $1,000
5 $1,000 $10,000
6 $4,000 $75,000
7 $10,000 $300,000
8 $50,000 $1,000,000
9 $1,000,000 $50,000,000
10 $5,000,000 $500,000,000

Multiplier multiplies the amount of money you make by a certain value.

Level Multiplier Price
1 1x Free/Default
2 1.5x $50
3 2x $500
4 3x $2,000
5 5x $12,000
6 7x $100,000
7 10x $500,000
8 15x $5,000,000
9 25x $500,000,000
10 100x $1,000,000,000

Insurance makes it so you only lose a percentage of what you would when you answer a question incorrectly.

Level Amount Retained Price
1 0% Free/Default
2 10% $10
3 25% $250
4 40% $1,000
5 50% $25,000
6 70% $100,000
7 80% $1,000,000
8 90% $5,000,000
9 95% $25,000,000
10 99% $500,000,000


Powerups are items that can be purchased and used one time, giving a variety of effects. The cost of a powerup is a percentage of your money plus a base price, rounded to the nearest multiple of five.

Name Icon Base Price Price Percent Description Effect (if different)
Discounter $250 16% All shop upgrades are 25% off for 5 minutes
Mini Bonus $20 3% Earnings are multiplied by 2x for a single question
Mega Bonus $50 6% Earnings are multiplied by 5x for a single question
Second Chance $10 5% Get a second chance to answer a question The next question answered incorrectly will have the selected answer grayed out rather than the question be marked incorrect
Fifty Fifty $10 5% Eliminate two wrong answers on a question Two incorrect answers would be grayed out on one question


Themes are visual changes to the way that the game looks.

Name Price Description Image
Default Free/Default Works fine, that's all
Night $5 A little easier on the eyes
Thanos $15 Perfectly balanced, as all things should be
Ocean $30 Under the sea...
Forest $50 A walk through the woods
Sunset $100 Take a breather
Pastel $150 Lighten the mood
Retro $200 Old school...
Pure Gold $100,000,000 Now you're just showing off


  • When a question is answered incorrectly, there is no cooldown before answering the question again, and the player will have an option of seeing the correct answer or continuing to the next question.