
From The Gimkit Wiki
Gimkit > Gamemodes > Knockback

Knockback is a platformer gamemode similar to Smash Bros's gameplay.

How To Play

In Knockback, players use the Pixelator gadget and gain Energy to try to knock opponents off of the map. This is done through inflicting fragility - which is shown by a number at the bottom of one's name - and using knockback mechanics to eliminate opponents. The game can be either a free-for-all or have players divided into teams.


  • Knockback is the second official Platformer Mode with a gadget.
  • The descriptions are "Brace for impact as you try not to get knocked off the map!" and "Ready to get launched?"
  • The maximum fragility a player can have at once in Knockback is 999%.
  • Players used to not be knocked back if in another tab, but will still gain fragility.
    • This has been fixed.
  • Players cannot be hit while answering questions, as projectiles will go through them instead of adding Fragility or dealing Knockback.
  • You lose 50% fragility when knocking a player of the map.
  • This is currently the only 2D Gamemode with no Terrain.
  • Knockback is possibly inspired by Super Smash Bros.
  • Knockback has 7 zones.
  • In Knockback, coyote jumps are possible.
  • Knockback is tied for fifth most Gims on its banner out of every 2D Gamemode, with 4 Gims.



The Knockback music
