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Gimkit > Kits

Kits are sets of questions that can be used in most Gamemodes, or assigned as homework by teachers. Kits are required to have a set title, image, language, and subject.


Questions can have text, photos, equations, and audio. Photos and equations are mutually exclusive, but there can be one or more of the rest. Questions can have either multiple choice or text input answers. Multiple choice answers can have either text, an equation, or a photo. One or more multiple choice answers can be correct. Text input answers can either match text or contain text, with up to four possible answers.

Creating a Kit

Questions can be added to a kit in a variety of ways. Most obviously is through simply adding a question, which will allow for all the possibilities mentioned above.


Teachers can create or import flashcards, which are questions with a single answer. Upon hitting create, questions will be created with the correct answer as well as three other random answers mixed in. Flashcards can also be imported from third-party flashcard sites.


Main article: KitCollab

KitCollabs allow teachers to create a link that allows students to suggest questions to add to the kit. This link will persist until the teacher deactivates it manually, and they can be restricted to only allow students in the teacher's class. Students are required to enter their name if not signed in, and are unable to add any images, equations or audio. After a question is submitted the student is able to edit or delete it, and the teacher is able to approve or reject it. If a question is rejected it can be edited and resubmitted.

Question Bank

Teachers can import questions can be imported from other kits, both created by themself or by others. Individual questions or entire kits can be imported.


Gimkit provides two templates for spreadsheets that can be imported. These are question and four answers, with the first being correct, or question and answer, similarly to flashcards.
