Hidden Mode

From The Gimkit Wiki
Gimkit > Gamemodes > Hidden Mode

Hidden Mode is a Tycoon Twist that is very similar to Tycoon with one major difference. Player's names and cash amount are hidden! On the leaderboard everyone's name is replaced by "Someone".


  • The descriptions are "Names of players and balances are hidden until the very end!" and "Who's that?"
  • Hidden Mode, Team Tycoon, and Fishtopia are the only gamemode banners to have living creatures other than Gims (Monkeys, humans, and fish, respectively)

Description (by Gimkit)

Who's that?

In Hidden Mode, lots of information you're used to having when playing Gimkit is...hidden!

To start, names of students on the leaderboard are fully hidden. This really helps motivate all students, as nobody knows where they're ranking!

On the student's end, their current balance is hidden. Nobody finds out who's who or how much money they have until the very end!
