Meta:Gimkit Wiki Requests

From The Gimkit Wiki
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Welcome to the Gimkit Wiki Requests Page! Here, you can list any requests you might have for page additions or edits that you do not have the time, resources, power, or knowledge to complete at the time. Don't forget to remove the requests after they have been completed!

List them in this format: [Name followed by "Page," "Template," "Biography," "Meta," "Special," "File," etc., and link to said page]; [Detailed Reason]

Wiki Requests:

List All Your Wiki Requests Here:

Wires Page; Missing Vital Information such as Gallery, Creative Infobox, and Menu

Channels Page; Missing Most Information

Crafting Recipe Page; Missing Vital information such as Creative Infobox and complete table

Blastball, Dig It Up, Knockback; Missing Interactive Maps

Gimkit Page; Too short for a main page, needs more information

Glitches Page; In need of more information as assistance