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Gimkit > Gamemodes > Farmchain
"Designing and Building my own worlds."
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Farmchain is a collaborative farming game, and the fourth 2D game mode to be added to Gimkit. In it, you must work with other players to farm crops and earn money. There are several upgrades and types of currency in the game.

Teasers and Announcements

Farmchain was teased on August 18th, 2022 with the Gimkit Discord invite banner image, which was confirmed to be related to an upcoming mode, revealing Cornelius. Farmchain was also teased to be happening in the Back to School video and News post on August 22, 2022. It was confirmed to be released September 2022, however was delayed to October 2022. According the the news post, they are "growing a new mode" that they "think students will dig" and that they are only "planting a seed to see if any ideas sprout up". Additionally, in the video, it is also said that "students will dig it". On August 31st, 2022, during the This or That test run on the Gimkit Discord, they revealed the mode to be related to farming, and has a lot of strategy involved. It was tested October 16th, 2022 on the Gimkit Discord. They posted a video that explained what it was about on YouTube.

There are 4 ways to play.

  • Collaborative: All players work together.
  • Two Teams: Two teams play against each other.
  • Three Teams: Three teams play against each other.
  • Free For All: All players play against each other.



Like other 2D game modes, Farmchain relies on energy as a main currency. It can be obtained from answering questions and is used to move around. Energy is also used to obtain research, water, and plant crops.


Money can be earned from selling crops and is used to buy upgrades and new crops.


Water can be obtained from the water well and is used to plant crops. You need 5000 energy to obtain 50 water. You can go to the Junkyard above the barn to collect trash, which can be used to get more water. The tooltip for bottles is "When finished, please recycle." while the water tooltip is: "H20 to go"


Research can be obtained from the lab. You can donate research to unlock new crops. You need 3000 energy to obtain 10 research. The tooltip for research is "What you need to uncover the next breakthrough"

Purchasable Content

Farmchain contains items and locations able to be purchased with Money.

Farming Plots

  • 250 Cash
  • 1000 Cash
  • 5000 Cash
  • 25000 Cash
  • 100000 Cash
  • 500000 Cash

Water Well Access

  • 50000 Cash

Sell Station Access

  • 50000 Cash

Normal Items

Name Buy Price Sell Price Research Cost Growing Cost Growing Time Goes Bad? Tooltip Seed Produce
Corn $0 $5 0 1 Seed + 1,000 Energy + 10 Water 5 seconds No Have a corntastic day!
Wheat $25 $50 50 1 Seed + 2,000 Energy + 20 Water 10 seconds Yes - after 2 minutes An essential grain for your favorite foods
Potato $150 $300 100 1 Seed + 3,000 Energy + 30 Water 30 seconds Yes - after 1 minute Starchy. Flies around your room.
Grapes $750 $1500 200 1 Seed + 4,000 Energy + 40 Water 1 minute Yes - after 1 minute Sour and sweet.
Raspberry $4000 $8000 300 1 Seed + 5,000 Energy + 50 Water 2 minutes Yes - after 1 minute Sour, not sweet.
Watermelon $20,000 $40,000 400 1 Seed + 7,000 Energy + 60 Water 3 minutes Yes - after 1 minute Perfect for a hot summer day
Coffee Bean $100,000 $200,000 500 1 Seed + 10,000 Energy + 70 Water 4 minutes Yes - after 30 seconds Roast me!
Orange $500,000 $1,000,000 750 1 Seed + 15,000 Energy + 80 Water 5 minutes Yes - after 20 seconds Orange you glad you found this?
GimBerry $5,000,000 $25,000,000 1000 1 Seed + 20,000 Energy + 100 Water 5 minutes Yes - after 10 seconds Fancy fruit.

Special Items

Name Buy Price Sell Price Growing Cost Growing Time Tooltip Seed Produce
Cash Berry 5,000 Energy N/A 1 Seed + 5,000 Energy + 50 Water 1 Minute Money does grow on trees!
Energy Bar 3,500 Energy N/A 1 Seed + 5,000 Energy + 50 Water 1 Minute Enough energy to get you through the day.
Lottery Ticket 15,000 Energy

(Stack of 15 seeds)

Varies (depends on what percentage of initial game time is left) 1 Seed + 5,000 Energy + 50 Water 1 Minute Is today your lucky day?
Pepper 3,500 Energy N/A 1 Seed + 5,000 Energy + 50 Water 1 Minute Spicy!!!

Easter Eggs and References

It's Corn

Farmchain was released around the time of the popular "It's Corn" meme, and contains references to this meme. In the bottom right corner of the map, there is a patch of corn with a quote from the meme by Tariq, aka Corn Kid. It says "I can't imagine a more beautiful thing". When you get close to the patch, it allows you to do an action called "I Agree, It is Beautiful!" Doing this, you will get 3 free corn, and a dialog screen that has another reference to the meme, "Have a corntastic day." After closing the dialog box, the host's screen will have a message saying "Player Name can't imagine a more beautiful thing." Also, the tooltip for corn is "Have a corntastic day".

Snowbrawl/Frostbite Foreshadowing

Farmchain foreshadowed the game mode Snowbrawl and the Frostbite Event that introduced it. In the research lab, "A snowstorm is inevitable" is written on the blackboard.

Gimkit Creative Foreshadowing

The blackboard was later updated from the line mentioned previously to, "It's all been leading to the CREATIVE thing?" referring to the Gimkit Creative update.

Don't Look Down Foreshadowing

The blackboard was later updated from the line mentioned previously to, "Have you tried jumping today?" referring to the Don't Look Down game mode.


  • The descriptions are "2D cooperative farming!" and "It’s a group effort to keep this farm running..."
  • According to a Blastball ad the real name of this farm is Rocky Farms.
  • Farmchain's banner is tied for having the sixth most Gims out of every 2D Gamemode.



The Farmchain music
