Drained Mode

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Gimkit > Gamemodes > Drained Mode


In drained mode, all players' balances decrease by a certain amount every 25 seconds. The amount the players lose starts at 1, increases after (but not on) 30 seconds of gameplay, and then increases every subsequent minute. The amount lost can be roughly modeled with the function , where t is the number of times the amount players lose increments.

Amount lost (up to 10 minutes)
Game Time Amount lost
0:25 $1
0:50 $3
1:15 $3
1:40 $7
2:05 $7
2:30 $7
2:55 $20
3:20 $20
3:45 $53
4:10 $53
4:35 $143
5:00 $143
5:25 $143
5:50 $387
6:15 $387
6:40 $1046
7:05 $1046
7:30 $1046
7:55 $2824
8:20 $2824
8:45 $7616
9:10 $7616
9:35 $20589
10:00 $20589