
From The Gimkit Wiki

The Damager is a device that can remove a player's health. It essentially acts like a harmful Health Granter or a Laser that doesn't need a hitbox.


When clicking on a Damager, there will be three settings the player can change.

Below are all the adjustable settings for the Damager

Tab Dropdown? Setting Name Default Setting Description (In-Game) Setting Description
N/A No Damage Amount 15 The amount of damage to deal to the player Set the amount of damage the player takes.
N/A No Damage player when receiving on Empty Damage the triggering player when the device receives a signal from the selected channel Damage the player when a signal is sent through a Channel.
N/A No Knockout Activity Feed Message Empty When the damage applied knocks out a player, this message will be displayed in the activity feed. Use {name} to insert the player's name. Set the activity feed message when the player gets knocked out.


The Damager has two input actions and no output events:

Input Actions:

  • Damage Player
  • Run wire pulse block


The Damager has 2 Blocks.

  • When receiving on channel...
  • On wire pulse...

The Damager has 1 device-specific custom code block:

  • Damage Player (Custom Amount)