
From The Gimkit Wiki
Gimkit > Items > Gadgets > Blaster

The Blaster is a Gadget in Blastball. It can be used to move the ball in Blastball and deal damage to enemies in Gimkit Creative.


Damage Per Shot Max Damage Ammo Total Reload Time
Common 20 240 12 1 Second
Uncommon 23 368 16
Rare 26 520 20
Epic 29 696 24
Legendary 32 896 28


  • The Blaster shoots the fastest out of all the gadgets in the game.
  • The projectile that the Blaster fires is a blue oval-shaped ring, as seen in the Gallery below.
  • When you knock out someone with the Blaster in Gimkit Creative it says you "blasted them", "blasted them away" or 'knocked them out the with a Blaster" someone in the activity feed. (Example: Player blasted Sentry away)

Sound Effects
