Ball Capture Zone
From The Gimkit Wiki
The Ball Capture Zone is a device that was added with the Ball. It interacts with the Ball in many ways, and can check whether it enters/leaves it. The Ball Capture Zone works similar to the Flag Capture Zone.
Tab | Type | Setting Name | Default | Setting Description (In-Game) | Setting Description |
Appearance | Dropdown | Visible In-Game | Yes | Is the zone visible to players during the game? | If set to "Yes", you can see the zone in game. |
Appearance | Dropdown | Zone Style | None | The style of the zone | Sets the style of the zone. There are currently two options: None, and Blastball Goal, which sets the zone to look like a Blastball Goal. |
Appearance | Dropdown | Goal Side | Right | Which side the goal faces | Determines whether the open part of the goal faces left or right. |
Appearance | Color Picker | Background Color | #ffffff | <No Setting Description> | Pick a background color for the zone. |
Appearance | Number Field | Background Alpha | 0.20 | Set the transparency of the barrier. 0 is completely transparent, 1 is completely visible. | Sets the transparency of the zone. |
Channels | Text Field | When ball enters the zone, transmit on | Empty | When ball enters the zone, the device sends a signal on the selected channel | This text field is for channels. When a ball enters the zone, the zone will relay a signal on the channel typed into the field. |
Channels | Text Field | Activate zone when receiving on | Empty | Activate the zone when the device receives a signal from the selected channel | This text field is for channels. The zone will activate upon receiving a signal from the channel typed. |
Channels | Text Field | Deactivate zone when receiving on | Empty | Deactivate the zone when the device receives a signal from the selected channel | This text field is for channels. The zone will deactivate upon receiving a signal from the channel typed. |
Featured | Dropdown | Respawn Ball | Yes | Should the ball respawn upon entering the zone? | Determines whether the ball respawns after entering the zone. |
All Options | Dropdown | Active On Game Start | Yes | Is the zone active when the game starts? | Determines whether the zone is active upon the game starting. |