Ball Capture Zone

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Gimkit > Gimkit Creative > Devices > Ball Capture Zone


The Ball Capture Zone is a device that was added with the Ball. It interacts with the Ball in many ways, and can check whether it enters/leaves it. The Ball Capture Zone works similar to the Flag Capture Zone.


Tab Type Setting Name Default Setting Description (In-Game) Setting Description
Appearance Dropdown Visible In-Game Yes Is the zone visible to players during the game? If set to "Yes", you can see the zone in game.
Appearance Dropdown Zone Style None The style of the zone Sets the style of the zone. There are currently two options: None, and Blastball Goal, which sets the zone to look like a Blastball Goal.
Appearance Dropdown Goal Side Right Which side the goal faces Determines whether the open part of the goal faces left or right.
Appearance Color Picker Background Color #ffffff <No Setting Description> Pick a background color for the zone.
Appearance Number Field Background Alpha 0.20 Set the transparency of the barrier. 0 is completely transparent, 1 is completely visible. Sets the transparency of the zone.
Channels Text Field When ball enters the zone, transmit on Empty When ball enters the zone, the device sends a signal on the selected channel This text field is for channels. When a ball enters the zone, the zone will relay a signal on the channel typed into the field.
Channels Text Field Activate zone when receiving on Empty Activate the zone when the device receives a signal from the selected channel This text field is for channels. The zone will activate upon receiving a signal from the channel typed.
Channels Text Field Deactivate zone when receiving on Empty Deactivate the zone when the device receives a signal from the selected channel This text field is for channels. The zone will deactivate upon receiving a signal from the channel typed.
Featured Dropdown Respawn Ball Yes Should the ball respawn upon entering the zone? Determines whether the ball respawns after entering the zone.
All Options Dropdown Active On Game Start Yes Is the zone active when the game starts? Determines whether the zone is active upon the game starting.